Chantelle Ralevska is the founder and CEO of Psyber, a startup delivering cybersecurity consulting and security awareness services to businesses and schools across Australia. Chantelle has delivered cybersecurity training to over 440,000 employees globally, and has worked in security at a range of large organisations. Chantelle is currently a Cybersecurity Masters student at UNSW and a YouTube content creator, where she captivates and educates over 500K viewers about cybersecurity and more.
Evan is a Cyber Director of NSB Cyber with a passion in Cybersecurity, Ransomware and Threat Intelligence. He has over 11 years of experience working in the Information Technology and Services industry. Working previously as a Manager in Cyber & Forensic Technology in a leading advisory firm and more recently as Cyber Incident Responder & Threat Intelligence Manager for Australia’s largest airline.