Victoria will start her presentation on her background; as someone who never did a computer course, who figured it all out on her own, before being made aware of the nature of corporate computing systems and how they can be impacted - both positively and negatively.
Victoria will;
- touch on the statistics of the non-technical workforce, and raise how even though technology is such an integral part of life - most people, younger generations included are not aware of many cyber security basics - and why
- delve into conversations that she has had over the years, noting the small businesses who rely on MSPs only to determine their cyber positure, all the way up to ASX listed organisations that have blown her away with blaise comments
- make recommendations on how we can all make a difference by having the awkward conversations -with everyone we know, in order to ensure that future generations will look at us as pioneers, rather than abusers, of the technology that enables us.