People are the best defense against cybersecurity attacks, yet cybersecurity still remains a foreign concept to most. In part, this is because Cybersecurity awareness campaigns (or our conversations with loved ones about Cybersecurity) are simply too generic. Messaging is not tailored. Audience context and specific risks are not addressed. Ultimately our messaging becomes ineffective, which means we don't get the true behaviour change we're hoping for. This contributes to why an increasing number of people are still falling victim to cyber crimes.
To truly solve this we need a tailored approach to spreading awareness (an engagement recipe), that takes into consideration the audience's unique contexts and level of risk. The same engagement recipe can be followed whether we're speaking to our grandparents, the board of a Fortune 500 company or team members in the local newsagent. We will cover this engagement recipe along with its application in various use cases. This will enable us to raise cybersecurity awareness in all facets of society, which will improve an individual's, their family's and their company's cyber resilience.