Phishing remains the top cyber threat in 2024, and 95% of all breaches occur due to human error. Put two-and-two together and employees are the biggest security risk. One simple mistake can have massive, lasting and expensive consequences. Australian SME’s need to evolve their defence mechanisms. This can now start and end with people.
This session equips cybersecurity professionals and business owners to tackle advanced threats in their organisation, with guidance on how to build a cyber positive culture and educate their employees on how to react responsibly to cyber attacks.
This session will cover:
- Information regarding the latest attack trends and new techniques used by attackers including Quishing
- Trends in who is being attacked more frequently and why
- The role of short and engaging training modules to help change employee behaviour for a cyber positive workforce
- How to identify your most vulnerable users to tailor your phishing program based on the human risk element
The Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in partnership with Mimecast, are working together to protect small and medium business and those most vulnerable to attacks within those businesses.